Tuesday 7 October 2014

Main stars - Make meals on weekly planner

Today I have been shopping at countdown (countback) grocery shop for my main star meal plan. The shopping went faster than I thought. Finally we finished shopping and had everything and we needed to wait for the checkout. About a week ago I made my meal plan and with everything, we predicted it was going to be close to $180 so that WAS MY BUDGET! I really wanted to know if I had made or broken my budget. Finally I found it out what the price was. It was... 171!!!! I had made my budget!!

That was easy, there was still cooking it...

On my plan, the first meal was, lemon pepper fish but we had to slightly modify because my fish was smoked salmon, so I decided that it would be with my peas and my potatoes. Right now the potatoes are cooking so I had the chance to do this blog post. Tomorrow is chicken...

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