Thursday 16 October 2014

Main stars - bug hunt

Today I went on a bug hunt. It was windy so there was no flying bugs like butterfly's. First me and Billie looked in the plants and tried to find caterpillars slugs and snails. We found some snails and we took a photo of them. Here it is:

Next we went to find some more bugs. We looked and we didn't find anything. We looked and looked. Then we threw a rock over and there was a dead spider. Here is a picture. The black dot is the spider.
Finally we looked under some rocks and we found heaps and heaps and heaps and heaps and heaps and heaps and heaps of SLATERS. They were scurrying all over the rocks and Billie yelled. They were easy to take photos of because there was so many of them. Here is a photo of them.

These are the bugs I saw today. Usually I see more bugs like white butterfly's, slugs and caterpillars. I think the reason is it was too windy and Mum has put down slug and snail poison.   


  1. Hello Jimmy
    Wow You Found lots of cool bugs in your garden. What other bugs would you like to have found in your garden.

  2. Hello Jimmy
    Wow You Found lots of cool bugs in your garden. What other bugs would you like to have found in your garden.

  3. Hi Jimmy
    We have lots of slaters under the rocks in our garden too.
    Are the plants in the first photo spring onions?
    From Ella


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