Tuesday 3 November 2015

Random Tuesday Descriptive Writing

A small, blackened thing was appearing in the distance. It was surrounded by thick bushy leaves. The closer I was the more I could make out its shape. The smell of mould and mildew was obvious the closer I came to the mysterious shape. As I got nearer to the weird object I realized what it was... ...it was a BATHTUB! an old, mouldy, ripped, leaf filled bathtub! With nothing better to do I turned the tap. The sound of metal on metal filled the quiet air. A few seconds later a trickle of ex-stagnant water flowed out of the tap. It had a distinctive green hue. Then I looked around myself. It looks like a badly looked after bathroom. I notice a broken switch on the wall. CLICK!. The globes on the ceiling burst into light. Not old, hot incandescent light but new, cool Blue, LED light. Then I get the strange feeling that I'm being watched...

1 comment:

  1. Wow Jimmy,
    this is really good descriptive writing!
    I liked how you put a little cliffhanger at the end of the story.


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